The Bobby Blackwolf Show Episode 301: July 17, 2011


Real Reason Netflix Raised Prices, New PS3 HD Output Confusion

  • We step outside of gaming for a little bit to discuss the Netflix price hike. Specifically, who you should be mad at. We read for you comments from executives at Universal and HBO from last year about how they will be treating Netflix in the future.
  • New versions of the PS3 will not allow HD output over Component cables while watching Blu-Ray movies, but some people believe this also affects games. We answer this five times.
  • Then we take calls about using the Sharpshooter attachment with Killzone 3, and NCAA Football 12.

July 24th is our Sixth Anniversary Special! Leave audio on our voicemail or via MP3 in the email address provided in the show to be a part of it!

Download The MP3! - 21MB, 1 hour 19 seconds

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