The Bobby Blackwolf Show Episode 404: October 20, 2013


Ubisoft and Sony delay games, Nintendo isn't a failing company

  • We start off with a question - "What's your favorite game you've NEVER played?" (Caveat: must be a game that you COULD have played, but chose not to for whatever reason. Unreleased and unattainable games are the easy answers and do not count.) This question was asked in chat while Bobby was talking about The Stanley Parable Demo and how it didn't convince him to spend $15 on something nobody wants to explain.
  • Ubisoft has announced that they will delay Watch_Dogs and The Crew, and they will no longer launch with the new consoles.
  • Already existing Ubisoft games, Rayman Legends and Splinter Cell: Blacklist, missed sales targets as well...Perhaps because one of them was delayed?
  • Sony has delayed DRIVECLUB and DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition and they will also not be available at the launch of the PS4.
  • Pokemon X and Y has sold over 4 million units in a week, so please continue telling me that Nintendo is a failing company. (Be sure to not save your game outside a building in Lumiose City!)
  • Then we take calls about Pokemon X and Y from the perspective of a visually impaired gamer, and Rayman Legends.

Download The MP3! - 20MB, 56 minutes 35 seconds

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