Friday Night Gaming Episode 14: April 10, 2009
Riddick: Dark Athena, DSi
Tornado warnings and hailstorms don't stop us from bringing you some Friday Night Gaming from the Computer ArenA in Roswell, GA. We take a look at The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena for the Xbox 360, which includes the original Escape from Butcher Bay game remastered. We actually pull out the original Xbox game and do compares to see how much they really remastered.
Then, we break out a Nintendo DSi and even show it next to a DS Phat and a DS Lite to see what's new and what isn't new with the console.
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The first hour, featuring us stopping to listen to hail.
The conculsion, featuring our DSi review and comparisons between the original and remastered Riddick.