Friday Night Gaming Episode 22: June 5, 2009
E3 Wrapup
Live from the Computer ArenA in Roswell, GA, Glen and Bobby are fresh off of their trip to E3 2009 in Los Angeles. We wrap up what we thought of the show, as well as premiere an interview about Split Second from, and profess our undying love to Scribblenauts.
We show the new motion controls from Microsoft and Sony and give our opinion on them and ask if a controller with buttons is really a hinderance. We discuss the new offerings from Nintendo and ask if they have lost touch with their audience.
We then show off some swag from the show floor and give some away to our live audience while playing the demo for Overlord II on Xbox 360. Then, we show Rock Band Unplugged for the PSP with some Freezepop lovin. (Probably not the best thing to listen to on the audio podcast - sorry!)
This isn't a normal show - we'll be back to playing full games next week!Download The MP3! - 65MB, 3 hours 5 minutes 21 seconds
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Pretty much the entire show except for the ending.
A proper ending after our recording got cut off.