Friday Night Gaming Episode 3: January 23, 2009
LittleBigPlanet Level Creation
In this episode, two experienced builders in LittleBigPlanet create a level from scratch in three hours. This level is currently available to play and compete in under the PSN ID "FNGaming" and is called "Friday Night Gaming Level #1" because we are very original. Check out for information about our contest!
We also discuss the closure of Gamerscore Blog along with the news of the layoffs of all of it's members, and welcome Tedakin from the All Games Radio community to talk to us about how much he didn't see at CES.
We also meet "Ted from the Past", a 13 year old who plays Gears of War 2 even though his mother doesn't want him to.
Our CC Gaming Hardware Spotlight is on the PS3 and the differences between the old models and the new models, and we actually show the PS2's Emotion Engine.
We take several calls about many things, including CD-I porn...It's our first full episode since we started, and one you won't want to miss!
Download The MP3! - 59MB, 2 hours 46 minutes 43 seconds
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Contains the first hour and 50 minutes
Contains the final 55 minutes