Friday Night Gaming Episode 8: February 27, 2009
Killzone 2
The game of the week is Killzone 2 for the Playstation 3 - our Killzone 1 fanboy plays it with our online audience all night and even makes a stunning vow concerning his Xbox 360 and current collection at the end of the show!
In the CC Gaming Hardware Spotlight, we take apart a PlayStation 2 that has a Disc Read Error and fix it.
Our callers discussed fighting games like Street Fighter IV and Killer Instinct, and about why FNG isn't a video podcast (and how much money it might cost to make it one!)
Great writeup on FNG referenced on this episode: From the Frontlines of Georgia's Gaming Community
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Video Archive
Hour #1 Featuring RAINBOWS!
Hour #2 Featuring the beginning of our PS2 repair
Two minutes of confusion
Hour #3 Featuring the end of the show